Great Grasses at our Autumnal Nursery talk

Last week we welcomed back the Fordcombe Amateur Gardening Society to the nursery. The end of October can be a little tricky for seasonal interest, but with our grasses at their peak we made the most of them!

Grasses can be so versatile and can be used in many aspects and situations. There are grasses for full sun and arid conditions, there are grasses for shade, for moist conditions (and marginal) and there are perennial and annual grasses. Plant them in the border on mass within a naturalistic scheme, or maybe a few under the base of a tree. They also work well in containers and even hanging baskets.

We discussed the subject in depth and looked through the grasses on display, followed by a question and answer session. If this all sounds like hard work, we all retired to the Summer house and enjoyed a fantastic spread of home-made cakes and tea! See you next year!

potted Galanthus elwesii in flower

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