Happy New Year!

What a wonderful Christmas we all had here at How Green! We kicked off the holiday in great style with our annual Christmas party. The dining room was turned into a Winter wonderland, decorated beautifully and Christmas carols filled the air!

As is the tradition here at the nursery, there is no turkey with all the trimmings, not even a Christmas pud! This is through choice however and our loyal workforce unanimously vote in each year without fail……. fish & chips!!! Christmas crackers, hats and jokes aside, it’s then off to the very welcoming Henry 8th pub in Hever for liquid refreshment!

To nurse the sore heads, staff are given plenty of time off over the festive period. We’re now all refreshed and ready to crack on with the coming season.

We’re working flat-out, potting up perennials and seed sowing ready in time for Spring. This year our stock range has again increased by over 400 plants, bringing to total nearly 4000 different plants. These can all be seen in our new 2013 catalogue available on request right now.

Sales have started positively with our quality potted bulbs leaving to garden centres in our area. The photo below shows a great order heading out to our good friends at Coolings Garden Centre at Knockholt.

bulbs awaiting despatch

We hope our PUBLIC OPEN WEEKENDS will be back in 2022

We are a wholesale nursery, growing and supplying plants to the horticultural professions. However, we also hold a series of open weekends, three times a year, where we open to the general public. These events are usually in April, June and September. 

Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we were not able to hold these events in 2020/21, but instead held a limited series of pop-up events at the nursery which proved very popular. We hope they will return in some form during 2022.

We also normally host regular talks and group visits throughout the year, but again these have been put on hold for the meantime.

To keep up with the latest info on the nursery, please check our Public News page or subscribe to our Public Events Newsletter. 

Thank you, from the team at How Green.

Public Events Newsletter

To be kept informed of nursery events especially for the public please subscribe here. We promise not to bombard you with emails.


Sign up here to be kept informed of our Public Open Weekends and other special events.

As we only send out the occasional email, we won’t bombard you. We pledge to keep your info safe and never sell it to third parties.

Look forward to seeing you at our events.