Tonto the nursery dog wearing a blue christmas cracker hat sitting on the lap of one of the How Green workers at their staff Christmas meal

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous 2016!

As another year draws to a close, we reflect on a great 2015!

We here at How Green can’t believe how quickly 2015 has flown by!! It only seems like yesterday since we were penning these pages in a similar vain. What a year!!

Our season started very early back in early February. After a wet early part of Winter, the weather started to behave and our landscape customers could work on projects without getting swamped! A cold easterly wind seemed to stay with us for weeks and weeks, but importantly it stayed dry. Garden centre’s were buoyant with gardeners keen to get planting after the long, dark months!

We were once again involved with growing for the Chelsea Flower Show and grew the hardy annuals for Jo Thompson’s ‘The Retreat Garden’. The result, a silver-gilt medal, although the general opinion is, she should have won gold! Never mind Jo, there’s always next year!

Our series of public open weekends once again proved very successful! Great to see our regular followers as well as plenty of new faces. (Our 2016 dates will be posted soon). We also hosted talks and tours here at the nursery. We welcome garden societies & clubs who can also have exclusive access to the nursery and are able to go shopping! Amongst our guests this year were the PGG (Professional Gardeners Guild) and the SGD (Society of Garden Designers).

We continued busy throughout the whole year, again helping out with a garden at Hampton Court (The Yardly sponsored ‘A Growing Obsession) and our garden design/landscape followers have been flat out even up until Christmas!

We remain confident going into 2016 with some projects already pencilled in for January. As we go to press, we can announce we are opening for the first time for the NGS and are also involved with two gardens & a trade stand at Chelsea Flower Show! We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a fab New Year!

******Our 2015 Christmas quiz is available to tackle from our availability download on this site. 100 green-fingered questions to test the grey matter this festive season! Get your answers back to us before January 10th – prizes for the best efforts! Helen Yemm, the gardening writer for the Daily Telegraph was our joint winner last year – no pressure!!*******

potted Galanthus elwesii in flower

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As we only send out the occasional email, we won’t bombard you. We pledge to keep your info safe and never sell it to third parties.

Look forward to seeing you at our events.