Ready for our Public Open Weekend Summer edition

We are open to the public again this weekend – come along, bring a friend and hopefully the sun will shine for us all!  We have a large selection of bedding plants, perennials, shrubs and herbs all being sold at prices much cheaper than garden centres so come and take advantage while you can. 

PS – Did we mention that we are also selling delicious, homemade cake! 

potted Galanthus elwesii in flower

Public Events Newsletter

To be kept informed of nursery events especially for the public please subscribe here. We promise not to bombard you with emails.


Sign up here to be kept informed of our Public Open Weekends and other special events.

As we only send out the occasional email, we won’t bombard you. We pledge to keep your info safe and never sell it to third parties.

Look forward to seeing you at our events.