Green and brown slodged leaves of Heuchera kadastra

Autumn Fair

Craft Fair take 2!

This coming weekend, How Green heads out on the road once again to Penshurst Place and the Weald of Kent Autumn craft fair. We’ll be bringing to you a fantastic range of plants, including some tasters of our new stock for 2013.

This Autumn we’ll be specialising in Heuchera’s, Tiarella’s and Heucherella’s. We will be offering an amazing 45 different cultivars, with 23 brand new introductions! A taster of which can be seen below.

We’ll have our usual plant display, this time in the form of a wildlife garden, with the help of stone guru’s Chilstone of Tunbridge Wells. You won’t be able to miss us, as we are the first stand you stumble across when entering the show!

The event starts on Friday and also runs through Saturday and Sunday. Come and say hello!

potted Galanthus elwesii in flower

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As we only send out the occasional email, we won’t bombard you. We pledge to keep your info safe and never sell it to third parties.

Look forward to seeing you at our events.