Category: Plants in focus

Edgeworthia chrysantha in two pot sizes

Spotlight on… Edgeworthia chrysantha

It’s 1st February, and the splendid Edgeworthia chrysantha, has burst into flower. Commonly known as paperbush, this deciduous, bushy shrub is closely related to the Daphne. The flowers of Edgeworthia chrysantha have a wonderful, heady scent and are very valuable to insects. We have two varieties in stock at the nursery, the popular Edgeworthia chrysantha ‘Grandiflora’ is a variety that can grow 1.5m x 1.5m. It has very impressive exotic looking, fragrant, yellow flowers in abundance that nod downwards. We also have

Helleborus Pretty Ellen Red flowerhead close-up

Spotlight on… Helleborus x hybridus Pretty Ellen series

A very popular late winter/early spring plant is the Hellebore. Along with the Snowdrop, there aren’t that many plants doing their thing in the darkest, coldest months and these Hellebore do it with grace. Hellebores come in a large range of colours and forms, with recent breeding programmes increasing the choice available hugely. One of the new series that we are growing are the Pretty Ellen cultivars. What we love about them is that they have been bred so that

potted Galanthus elwesii in flower

Spotlight on… Galanthus elwesii

There may have been snow on the ground this week but some of our plants are already waking up. One of the first bulbs to put on a show are our Galanthus elwesii, more commonly known as the Giant Snowdrop. It always amazes us that no matter how cold or dreary the weather is they pop up through the ground to put on a wonderful display. G. elwesii produces some of the largest Snowdrop flowers at up to 2.5cm long, with a beautiful



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