First Open Weekend a Rip Roaring Success!

Thanks to everyone who came, and see you at the next one!

We’d like to thank all those who attended our first Public Open Weekend in well over fifteen years (it transpires, more like twenty!), to make it a very enjoyable and fulfilling couple of days. The weather behaved itself and visitors were welcomed to possibly the tidiest wholesale nursery this side of, er… Hever! The nursery dogs were very well behaved albeit the ‘car mud flap’ and ‘walking stick’ incidents, but we choose not to dwell on those… ahem!!

See you all again for our Summer instalment on June 16 & 17. We leave you with a scene from our Spring flowering plant arrangement.

potted Galanthus elwesii in flower

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As we only send out the occasional email, we won’t bombard you. We pledge to keep your info safe and never sell it to third parties.

Look forward to seeing you at our events.