Final chance to have a nose around this year

To celebrate our 30th anniversary year as a business, we have been opening our gates to the public for the first time in nearly 20 years! We have had two weekends so far, one in the Spring and one in the Summer. This weekend represents the final installment for this year.

We open 9am – 5pm on both Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th. You will get to see the nursery with plenty of Autumn interest, as well as some really interesting plants we have grown for the 2013 season.

Highlight will include late flowering perennials and a large selection of grasses. Also available to buy will be alpines, herbs, Autumn vegetable plants, tropical plants, succulents and patio plants.

See how a commercial nursery ticks and how we produce hundreds of thousands of plants a year. Come meet the famous Tonto the bonkers nursery dog, who has made several appearances on these pages this year!

potted Galanthus elwesii in flower

Public Events Newsletter

To be kept informed of nursery events especially for the public please subscribe here. We promise not to bombard you with emails.


Sign up here to be kept informed of our Public Open Weekends and other special events.

As we only send out the occasional email, we won’t bombard you. We pledge to keep your info safe and never sell it to third parties.

Look forward to seeing you at our events.