Spotlight on… Nepeta nuda

We think it is such an underrated plant. Our Nepeta nuda ‘Annes Choice’ (left) and Nepeta nuda ‘Purple Cat’ (right) are looking splendid at the nursery at the moment.
Why underrated? Is there any other Nepeta that grows to 120cm with rigid stems that don’t fall over?
This could be your find of 2024. Just brilliant as a mid to back of border plant. Originating from Iran, plant it in full sun and watch it flower from June to September, with regular deadheading.
It creates a haze of delicate, ghostly grey/blue flowers on strong upright stems. As with most Nepeta, they are an absolute magnet for bees and other pollinating insects.
This is how we like it at How Green; offering the slightly unusual. Intrinsically, it’s still a Nepeta, so therefore you know just what to do with it.
Pictured next to the Nepeta is Lychnis ‘Hill Ground’s’, another brilliant cultivar!


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