We’ve received some wonderful deliveries of Taxus baccata (yew) this week in various shapes and sizes. Taxus has always been popular for its great versatility; tall evergreen hedges, low parterres, and pruned into many topiary shapes.
Yew has become ever more popular as a replacement for Buxus (box), which has seen a fair share of horticultural problems in more recent times.
It’s a dependable stalwart. Taxus can take a wide range of environmental diversities and will tolerate exposure, dry soils and urban pollution. However, it doesn’t like heavy, wet soils, so when planting make sure the soil is well drained. ‘Bronzing’ is a common trait soon after planting, especially in Winter. Once established, the plants lose this colour after their first flush.
As well as the regular varieties, we also able to offer a new cultivar: Taxus baccata ‘Renke’s Little Green’. This has a compact, bushy form that is well branched and without a central leading shoot. It responds very well to pruning to encourage even more side shoots. Makes a great choice for low hedging or topiary balls and domes. Currently available as 30-35cm balls, 90cm domes and low hedging units.