Tag: Bulbs

Fritillaria raddeana in flower

Spotlight on… Fritillaria raddeana

Fritillaria raddeana is a very rare and unusual crown imperial featuring beautiful soft cream blooms, with a hint of lime as the flowers mature. It is fully hardy and can be used for naturalising in grass or borders. Growing to a height of 75cm, they look spectacular. Plant in part shade in well-drained soil.

potted Galanthus elwesii in flower

Spotlight on… Galanthus elwesii

There may have been snow on the ground this week but some of our plants are already waking up. One of the first bulbs to put on a show are our Galanthus elwesii, more commonly known as the Giant Snowdrop. It always amazes us that no matter how cold or dreary the weather is they pop up through the ground to put on a wonderful display. G. elwesii produces some of the largest Snowdrop flowers at up to 2.5cm long, with a beautiful


Christmas Pop-Up Plant Shop 2019

Come along to our first ever festive open week! Our Christmas Pop-Up Plant Shop will be open to the public and trade from Monday 16th – Friday 20th December. Doors open from 9am-5pm each day. Searching for that last minute gift? We’ll have a selection of Christmas bulb baskets filled with winter and spring favourites, as well as hyacinths, daffodils and snowdrops, hellebores, potted bulbs, seasonal shrubs, How Green Nursery gift vouchers, festive decorations for wreaths and garlands, Christmas refreshments


Autumnal Delights!

After a pretty good Summer with long, warm sunny days, there’s definitely a nip in the air and dewy mornings! Autumn is well and truly upon us and the perfect time for planting. Historically this time of year is the best time to plant trees, shrubs and perennials, with the ground warm and moisture in the soil (hopefully – we need some rain!) We have been busily potting up the last few months and the nursery is now brimming with lots of


Autumn – Hillcroft Revisited!

Seven months after our extensive planting project at Caterham on the Hill, we paid the site a visit, to see how it looked! Back in March, we were approached by Caterham Parish Council to deliver a new planting scheme at Hillcroft Corner, in the middle of Caterham on the Hill high street. The brief was simple. They wanted all the old woody shrubs replaced with something that would be very low maintenance, no watering and would look great all year


Chelsea celebrates its Centenary

This week, the greatest flower show on earth celebrates its centenary year. An amazing achievement and promises to be the best show ever! Garden designers up and down the land have been pulling out all the stops to make their gardens dazzle like never before! We here at How Green have grown quite extensively for Chelsea for the first time in our 30 year history! Back in January, we were approached by our regular customer Roger Platts. Just like the Olympic rower

Artists impression of the M & G sponsored 'Windows Through Time' Garden at Chelsea Flower Show

Growing for Chelsea

2013 signifies a monumental landmark for the Chelsea Flower Show. This year the show will be celebrating it’s 100th anniversary! Designers will be pulling out all the stops to make it the best show ever! How Green Nurseries insight into the show comes through local designer Roger Platt. Having dealt with Roger for many years, he has approached us to grow a selection of plants for his M & G sponsored ‘Windows Through Time’ Garden. We are growing a selection of large grasses, along


Trade Only Open Days

This year for the first time, How Green Nursery are running a series of  trade only days! Those of you who already use us will know that you are more than welcome to visit the nursery at any time throughout the season. What makes these days different, is that we are offering some very special rates, but only on orders taken on the day. Browse the nursery at your leisure and check out our stock that totals nearly 4000 different plants!


A New Venture!

Last week the hard working staff at How Green finished a project to rejuvenate a prominent bed in Caterham on the Hill in Surrey. Working with the town’s parish council, we scrubbed out the tired, old shrubs and bedding. The brief was a complicated one! A low maintenance, drought tolerant garden that has all year round interest, with the wow factor! Not a particulary easy remit!! The shape and layout of the existing bed did not need changing and in fact



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