A row of different coloured Heucheras in situ at the nursery

It Never Ends!

Potting up already underway for 2013 season.

No sooner has one selling season finished, preperations are in full swing to boost next years stock levels! Our staff are working flat out and our potting machine a blur, as tens of thousands of perennials are potted into 1 and 2 litre pots.

Most of these plants started life as rooted cuttings back in June and have subsequently been reared in a ‘liner’ pot. With most of these liners rooted through, we can now place them into the larger pots, to grow into healthy, well developed plants. August through to mid-October represents good growing time, so the more we pot now, the better established the plant becomes for over-wintering.

With the ideal growing conditions we’ve had of late, with warmth and moisture, a lot of the early potted plants are already for sale!


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