Tag: Bulbs

Happy New Year!

What a wonderful Christmas we all had here at How Green! We kicked off the holiday in great style with our annual Christmas party. The dining room was turned into a Winter wonderland, decorated beautifully and Christmas carols filled the air! As is the tradition here at the nursery, there is no turkey with all the trimmings, not even a Christmas pud! This is through choice however and our loyal workforce unanimously vote in each year without fail……. fish & chips!!! Christmas

Hoar Frost on the grasses at How Green Nursery

Working in a Winter Wonderland

This week the weather has taken a real turn as Britain is gripped with ‘The Beast From the East’! Sub-zero temperatures down to -7˚C has made life difficult at How Green. Bulbs frozen in the sand and perennials like blocks of ice, finding work for our staff has been hard! So the last couple of days we’ve undone the work shackles and started to make the nursery look all Christmasy! The tree has gone up in our tea hut and



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